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Why are contact centres crucial in modern business for increased customer engagement?

Smiling girl with microphone in a callcenter

The customer is always right. Customers don’t only expect flawless service and top-notch products, they also want a personalised experience that seamlessly matches their needs and wishes. What’s more, they’re pickier than ever before: with a plethora of available choices, they effortlessly switch to the competition if they’re not satisfied. That’s why your customer service […]

Improve your customer service with a call centre that focuses on customer engagement

two smiling people looking to a screen in a callcenter

In today’s digital world, customer service is more important than ever. Customers expect a seamless experience, with fast and efficient support across channels. Companies that neglect customer engagement risk losing customers to the competition. Customer engagement: the answer to demanding customers Many companies are struggling to meet the increasing demands of their customers. In-house customer […]

Call centre solutions for your customer contacts in a digital era

two people looking to a screen and there a two people in the background

Our world is becoming increasingly digital. In digital times, it’s more important than ever to put the customer first. Your customers expect a seamless experience, no matter what channel they use to contact your business. They just want to be helped quickly and efficiently. Call centres offer solutions for your customer contacts adapted to the […]

Customer experience as a key USP

smiling people looking to her phone in front of a technical helpdesk

Functional & financial aspects no longer make the difference. But what does? How can customer experience be regarded as a key USP in a B2E(veryone) environment?

How human is your customer service?

smiling gril looking to the right

Consumers are becoming more aware and increasingly reject a standard approach in customer service. But how do you ensure that your customer contact remains truly human and personal?

How to use WhatsApp in customer contact?

4 people in a seat looking at a screen in a contactcenter

With more than two billion users, WhatsApp is one of the world’s leading instant messaging platforms. Discover some of the professional WhatsApp strategies.

5 trends in Customer Experience

two persons looking to a screen

How have customer expectations changed? And how can companies respond to these changes and improve their tools and services?

The effect of excellent customer service

2 girls hugging

Excellent handling of a customer request or a commercial conversation depends directly on the customer service employee. However, the impact of a good customer contact extends beyond direct benefits.

Outsourcing your customer service to a call center

women with a microphone looking to a computer with 3 other peoples in the background while telesales

How do you keep your customers happy and committed to your brand? Years of experience have shown us that customers are almost three times as likely to stay with your brand if they can contact your services smoothly via the communication channel of their choice.

The story behind WEngage

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IPG, Call-IT and In2com, formerly grouped under Koramic2Engage, joined forces in WEngage to offer high-quality customer contact solutions, each with their unique strengths…