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Customer care

Customer support

How do you ensure high customer satisfaction, a great customer experience and NPS? Your service before, during and after a sale largely determines how satisfied your customers are. WEtake care of your customers WEngage takes care of all inbound & outbound customer care contacts, from troubleshooting and answering customer queries to taking orders and from […]

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Technical helpdesk

Nothing is perfect. Sometimes your products or services don’t work, or users don’t understand how to operate them. So how do you turn this problem into an opportunity? WEprovide your technical support WEngage manages your technical calls and has great experience with complex products and service questions. Our advisors help your customers or even your […]

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Your customers are the key to your business success, so you need to take good care of them. WEngage has what it takes to serve your clients in a wide variety of situations. Whether it’s taking orders, solving problems, offering 1st or 2nd line support or offering technical assistance, we are there to help. You can count on us.

What exactly is customer care?

Customer care literally means ‘being concerned about your customers’. This goes beyond the pure service (selling a product or service) that a customer expects from your company.

Customer care focuses on an emotional bond between your brand and the customer. To achieve this, you and your colleagues must demonstrate respect and commitment. It means that you give customers the same treatment as you would like to receive yourself, with an eye for individual needs and the best possible solution.

WEngage goes further than the standard helpline. Our employees do everything they can to ensure that your customer feels heard and helped, with a smile. The customer’s situation is tackled as efficiently as possible, but they are also left with a good feeling about it.

The benefits of customer care for your company

With customer care, you keep your customers satisfied with your brand, even if something goes wrong (e.g., a return due to a defect). Professional customer care staff can turn a negative situation into a positive experience. This way, you are investing in loyal customers for the long-term.

Finally, good customer care also reduces customer turnover. After all, it’s easier to sell to existing customers than to convince new customers. A negative experience is enough for many customers to switch to the competition. Hence the importance of customer care.

two people looking to a computer in a callcenter

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