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Improve your customer service with a call centre that focuses on customer engagement

two smiling people looking to a screen in a callcenter

In today’s digital world, customer service is more important than ever. Customers expect a seamless experience, with fast and efficient support across channels. Companies that neglect customer engagement risk losing customers to the competition.

Customer engagement: the answer to demanding customers

Many companies are struggling to meet the increasing demands of their customers. In-house customer service agents are often overloaded, leading to long waiting times and reducing the quality of service.

Fortunately, there are professional contact centres that unburden companies and have the right expertise and technology to significantly increase customer engagement.

The evolution from contact centre to expert in customer engagement

The purpose of a call centre is to speak to customers and support them in their needs. Nowadays, this is no longer only done by phone, but also via many other channels (e.g. email, chat, social media etc.).

This original feature of a call centre has since expanded considerably. Contact centres today are also instrumental for customer engagement. They do so by exceeding the expectations of the customers and building a personal relationship with them. Your customers will appreciate those efforts and thus engage more with your brand.

The benefits of a professional contact centre

A professional call centre helps your business to improve your customer service and increase customer engagement. Contact centres have the expertise, technology and resources to cater for your customers.

  • 24/7 availability: customers can always get support, regardless of the time of day or the location they are in.
  • Multilingual support: customers can be served in their own language and the contact agents know the culture of your customers.
  • Omnichannel support: customers can reach out through a variety of channels, such as phone, email, chat and social media.
  • Personalised service: contact centres tailor services to the specific needs of the customer, thus exceeding expectations.
  • Customer satisfaction: through surveys, you gain insight into customer satisfaction and you can identify areas for improvement.
  • Customer loyalty and ambassadors: engaged customers who feel valued and effectively served will remain loyal to your brand, but also promote your products to others.

A professional contact centre is more than just a ‘budget item’. It is a valuable partner that can help your business optimise its customer service, increase customer engagement and increase your company’s profitability.

8 customer engagement actions a contact centre can help you with

  1. Excellent customer service: solve questions and problems quickly and smoothly. Modern call centre technology is crucial for this.
  2. Customer knowledge through customer surveys: collect feedback by offering surveys after every contact, so you can provide a tailored experience for your customers.
  3. Good customer interaction: quality customer interaction is human and empathetic. It should meet customer expectations and not be judgemental.
  4. Data management: dashboards allow you to analyse customer interactions and measure KPIs, identify areas for improvement and improve productivity.
  5. Optimisation of the customer journey: ensure that the entire customer contact runs smoothly, from A to Z.
  6. Listen to your customers: customers like to give their opinion and think about improvements and new products.
  7. Positive work culture: happy employees lead to happy customers, and a positive work environment also reduces employee turnover.
  8. Omnichannel approach: let customers choose the contact channel that suits them best. Or offer self-service systems so they can find answers on their own.

Offshore solutions for your customer contacts

International contact centres have a network of local offices in different countries. That way, you can opt for near-shore and offshore call centres that meet exactly the same quality requirements as the parent company in your country, but with the more advantageous conditions.

At the same time, the local employees speak the language of your customers, but they are also familiar with the cultural habits of your end customers. Often, the contact centre employees are expats who chose to live in a sunnier place, or returned migrants who have lived in your country for a long time. In this way, the contact centres guarantee a smooth and efficient customer experience.

The advantage of business process outsourcing to an international call centre is that you can easily serve different markets with just one partner, rather than a different partner per country/region.

What are the benefits of a professional customer service contact centre?

A professional contact centre improves customer service by always being available, regardless of the time, and offering support in multiple languages. These centres tailor their services to the individual needs of the customer, resulting in higher customer satisfaction.

Contact centres increase customer engagement by not only meeting but exceeding customer expectations and by effectively using various communication channels such as email, chat and social media.

Modern call centres rely on advanced technologies such as CRM systems, real-time data analytics, and artificial intelligence to optimize customer service and make it responsive.

Contact centres use methods such as satisfaction surveys, Net Promoter Score and Customer Effort Score to understand customer satisfaction and loyalty, which is essential for continuously improving service.

Multicultural and multilingual staff are crucial in international contact centres because they not only speak the language but also understand the cultural nuances of the customers, leading to better and more personalized customer service.

An omnichannel approach ensures a seamless customer experience by allowing customers to contact them through their preferred channel, contributing to increased customer satisfaction and engagement.

WEngage: your international call centre for your customer service

Contact WEngage today and find out how we can help you with the outsourcing of your customer contacts!