E-commerce is a sector that shows huge growth figures year after year. Every day, both large and small organisations switch to e-commerce or add options to their physical concept. This in order to respond to online consumer needs, enrich their sales market and/or reach new customers. But why is customer experience essential in e-commerce?
The e-commerce concept hinges on a user-friendly and simple platform for both mobile devices and desktops. The customer should be able to place and confirm orders independently and easily, in as few steps as possible. However, it is still important when things go wrong to offer the customer the option of support via chat(bot), instant messaging, e-mail or telephone. Indeed also by phone, because the resolution time through this channel is still perceived as one of the fastest. It is important that your internal or external customer service staff have the tools to follow up directly on the customer’s journey. Help should be initiated by the customer or if available via proactive chat. Afterwards, it should be possible for the customer, with the additional help of an employee, to resolve it on his own screen. This avoids an intrusive perception.
Logistical support
Just like in a physical shop, waiting for your order is no fun. Therefore, make it visible to customers what the status of their order is. Should something go wrong in the logistics process, make sure the customer is proactively contacted to inform them of the impact and possible solution, and offer the customer contact options to ask for more explanation via personal contact. Apart from an e-mail notification, human connection via chat or phone remains primordial to maintain the quality of the customer experience.
Exceeding expectations
Who doesn’t like surprises? Valorise the customer who purchases products or services via e-commmerce. Think of: a gift with the order when it took a little longer, a small gift from the customer service representative who helped the customer, commercial shopping advice when the customer contacts you via chat or phone, … It is clear that the customer prefers a different experience compared to the traditional shop so guarantee that this experience is positive. Indispensable are customer service employees who have the experience in each channel to deliver this experience in an empathetic way or attach a commercial angle to each contact. Chatbots solve standard questions, humans exceed expectations.
You now have discovered 3 elements that take the customer experience of your e-commerce activity to the next level, quickly surprising people and strengthening customer loyalty with your organisation. Would you also like to discover the other elements of an excellent customer experience? Then contact us for more information.