We hear it so often: the world is changing, (digital) disruption, the market is shifting, artificial intelligence is the future, have you ever thought about offshoring?, … Lots of challenges that organisations face every day. Moreover, the rapidly succeeding technological developments mean that, as an organisation, you have to compete with companies all over the world. Functional & financial aspects no longer make the difference. But what does? How can customer experience be regarded as a key USP in a B2E(veryone) environment?
Embrace change
The market you operate in is no longer the same as it was 5, 10 or even just a year ago. It is important not to fear change but to look boldly at the new opportunities. Import and export, the way that businesses grow, how we handle data and technological tools and the interaction possibilities between customer and organisation have all evolved. And these (r)evolutions are following each other at an increasingly rapid pace. The acceptance of change at company level is therefore important, so that all employees share the same vision.
81% of customers are willing to pay more for a better experience.
Customer Experience as USP
If functional or financial features no longer make the difference for buyers or customers, then, despite technological progress, the human or emotional aspects become important again. The customer experience you offer as an organisation thus becomes a differentiating factor both before, during and after the purchase moment. The way you speak with your customers or how you deal with any complaint becomes even more important throughout the customer process. This not only to differentiate yourself as an organisation and acquire customers but also certainly to retain customers.
89% of companies expect to compete for the majority or even entirely based on customer experience in the next 5 years.
Data Driven CX
Big data, data-driven or even AI-driven decisions are crucial due to the measurability of the world. There too, it is important to include the customer service department and use data as a tool for the customer contact employee. After all, this data makes it possible to make a fitting or personalised offer or uncover a possible up- or cross-sell opportunity during a service interaction. A good structure across systems, channels and data remains crucial.
Organisations that use customer experience as their main USP are 1 step ahead. Embrace the opportunities of the future and find out where your business developer, POS (Point Of Sale) employee, customer contact officer or customer service partner can make a world of difference.
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