We help you turn your prospects into clients. WEngage takes care of your sales campaigns with effective sales solutions driven by motivated and skilled sales advisors. We enhance your sales taking care of the entire sales process, or we contact your target group to make appointments for your sales reps, so they can on their turn focus on negotiating deals with the right target audience.
What exactly is customer acquisition?
Customer acquisition is the process of leading prospects to a first purchase or encouraging them to subscribe to your services or information. Expanding the customer base is an essential objective for many companies and organisations.
The life stage of your company and the maturity of the market determine how much you should focus on customer acquisition. It is an absolute priority for new organisations in order to get off the ground and grow. While an established company with a broad customer base will mainly focus on customer retention or customer loyalty.
With WEngage, you get an experienced partner who will expertly guide you in expanding your customer base. Our employees use the most advanced tools and technologies to boost your sales or make appointments for your own representatives.
The customer acquisition funnel
Your target audience goes through a number of steps before deciding to purchase your product or service. This customer journey progresses in a funnel shape from broad interest to the purchase of a specific product. WEngage triggers your prospects to proceed through to the next step(s).
- Awareness: a first contact with your product and what need it fulfils.
- Interest: potential customers want to know more, they are looking for more information about your brand.
- Consideration: they indicate that they are considering your product or service and request a sample or trial period.
- Purchase: this is the conversion, the prospects make a first purchase and become customers.
The benefits of customer acquisition for your company
A well-thought-out focus on customer acquisition contributes to the success of your company.